
Communication Styles

Communication changes constantly and our children quickly adapt to the technological world around us. Even young children can pick up an iPhone and find a game to play or send a simple text. Boys and girls would be shocked to hear about the days when phones had cords and could not be moved from room to room, much less taken outside!

Have a fun family night looking up pictures of old phones or other ways of communication. End the night by texting Bible verses to each other. See who can come up with the best “text language.” (See examples below)

Remember—although the ways of communication change, the Bible stays the same. The truth that Jesus loves us is true today just as it was when the Bible was written.


“God luvd d wrld so much that he gave Hs 1 & onlE Son, so that evry 1 hu blevs n HIM wil not perish bt hav eternal Lyf” (John 3:16).

“Do 2 othRz Az U wud lik them 2 do 2 u” (Luke 6:31).


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Your Child and Camp

Summer is the time for sleep-overs and camps. Is your child ready to be away from home for the night, or a few nights? Homesickness is just the big-kid version of separation anxiety. It is a normal reaction especially for kids who haven’t spent much time away from their parents.

Here are some ways to help your child be a successful, happy camper:

  • Rehearse. If your child has not already spent the night away from home, arrange for a sleepover with a friend or relative before heading off to camp.

  • Scope it out. Involve your child in deciding the camp to attend. Take an opportunity to visit before camp begins. If possible, meet the staff and tour the grounds. If a visit is not possible, spend some time studying the website or brochure.

  • Be positive. Acknowledge that they may miss home at first, but focus on all the opportunities available.

  • Keep the mailman busy. Send a letter or package that will be there when your child arrives.

  • Pack some comfort. Send stuff that will make them feel at home, like a favorite CD, or small book of photos.

  • Sign up with a friend. A good buddy from home is the ultimate security blanket, making your child feel more at ease and confident.

  • Don’t cave. If your child calls, begging to return home, stay upbeat and express confidence they can stick it out. Of course, use your judgment as a parent if you are genuinely concerned and talk to a counselor or camp director. In most cases, the homesickness will pass and your child will have an incredible time!


Adapted from an article in Suburban Parent

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Characteristics of Successful Families

Researchers have developed lists of the most common behavioral traits among healthy families. They are:

  • Strong communication

  • Encouragement

  • Expressing Appreciation

  • Commitment to Family

  • Religious Orientation

  • Social Connectedness

  • Ability to Adapt

  • Clear Roles of Responsibility

  • Priority on Time Spent Together

How does your family rate in each of these areas?  Where are your weaknesses? Where are your strengths?


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Celebrate Independence Day

Independence Day is observed in the United States on the Fourth of July. On July 4, 1776 the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence which states that all people are created equal and have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is important to help your children understand the reason we celebrate our country’s special day and find out what freedom means to a Christian.

The Fourth of July is a great summer event for the family. Picnics, bar-b-ques, watermelon eating contests, roasting hot dogs and s’mores are some of the favorite activities. During the festivities, remember to give God thanks for the freedoms we enjoy. We must teach our children about their responsibilities of Christian citizenship and challenge them in their civic responsibilities. Independence Day is also a time to commemorate the military personnel who have given their lives and who are presently defending our freedom.

The following suggestions are ways to commemorate the holiday:

  • Talk about the blessings we have in America.

  • Make an American flag craft (Google American flag for kids).

  • Decorate sidewalks and driveways with sidewalk chalk in red, white and blue.

  • Write thank you notes to people serving in the military (go to  for instructions).

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Celebrate Fathers

Fathers are an important part of life. They can bring encouragement and strength just by their presence if they are connected to God and His Word. The following Bible verses speak to the heart of a Father:

Psalm 103:13
As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him. (NIV)

Proverbs 3:11-12
My son, do not despise the LORD’s discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the LORD disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in. (NIV)

Proverbs 10:9
The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out. (NIV)

Proverbs 23:24
The father of a righteous man has great joy; he who has a wise son delights in him. (NIV)

Ephesians 6:4
Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. (NIV)

Honor the special bond between father and child today. Celebrate Fathers!

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I Want Fries!


“Research has shown that children are more likely to choose those foods with familiar logos. That is concerning because the majority of foods marketed to children are unhealthy.” –Dr. Amanda Bruce, University of Missouri-Kansas City

What have we done to our children? Marketing begins at such an early age, two year olds know to ask for nuggets and fries. Fast food is not all bad, just make good choices and balance it out with nutritious snacks at home. Incorporate all four food groups in your menu at least a few times a week. Remember, family time around the table is so important.

Don’t Forget Breakfast!

Want to help your kids perform better at school as well as promote healthy weight and good behavior? Have them eat breakfast!  The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics


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