February is a perfect month to emphasize love of God and love of others. Make sure your child realizes that God’s love is the one they can count on in every situation. There will be times in their life when people they love will disappoint them. There will be times when they are afraid and you will not be there to comfort them. God will be with them even when you cannot. Loving others is not the same as loving chocolate or loving to sleep late. Christian love is love in action. Put that “loving feeling” to work by showing kindness, patience, and humility.
- Talk about God’s love for us and the love we are to have for others. (John 3:16 and 1 John 3:16)
- Have a dinner with RED foods.
- Let the kids help bake foods in a heart shape. There are cookie cutters, cake pans, and muffin tins available. Take some of your goodies to a special person.
- Have each family member make cards and exchange them.
- Make a valentine for God.
- As a family read 1 John, especially chapter 4 and list all the clues about what perfect love is all about. Put together a definition of perfect love from God and illustrate it or write it out so you can share it with others.