
This is exactly what I need!

“As a mother of three children, this is exactly what I need! Cindy has given families a lot of treasures to work with in this engaging book. I’ve known Cindy to be a wonderful wife, mother, and super children’s minister. Her ideas and advice are tried and true and perfect for those of us living in the real world.”

Casey Marchman
Pastor’s Wife, Lawrence Drive Baptist Church Macon, GA
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A wealth of practical suggestions for memory making

“This is a great book! It is a wealth of practical suggestions for memory making, and more importantly, connection building within the family. The biblical foundation and Cindy’s personal reflections merge into a how-to manual for family nurture and wholesome family fun. This book will be a valuable resource for all families- from those just getting started to those that are well established.”

Joe Cook
Director- Master of Arts in Counseling
Dallas Baptist University- North
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Creative ideas on how to build memories with my children

“Making memories and passing on family traditions is something that I think about often. I wonder if the interactions I have with my children are serving any higher purpose. “Memory Makers” is a helpful reminder that these every day experiences we share with our children are the avenues through which they will build the relationship with God that brings fulfillment and joy. To pass this truth on to our children, we must spend recurring, meaningful time with them. From the first pages of chapter 1 in “Memory Makers,” I was met with creative ideas on how to build memories with my children that can have a lasting impact.”

Mandy Link
Pastor’s Wife First Baptist Church Orlando
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