thank you

Here are some special ways to show your thankfulness this month.


1.  Make a list of all the things you are thankful for. Hang the list in the kitchen and add to it each time you think of something new. Remember to” give thanks to God.”

2.  Divide the family into two groups and read Psalm 136 responsively.

3.  Learn how to say thank you in different languages:

  • Spanish: Gracias (GRA-see-ahs)
  • Italian: Grazie (GRAT-see-ah)
  • French: Merci (MARE-see)
  • German: Danke (DAHN-ke)
  • Greek: Efcharisto (Ef-ca-REE-stow)
  • Aramaic, the language of Jesus: Shukran (SHOE-krah)

4.  Write thank you notes to special people in your life.

5.  Make Thanksgiving placemats or place cards for your family dinner.


Remember to look for signs of God’s love and provision as you go about your everyday life and                don’t forget to thank Him!